Welcome to Woodlawn

Important Note...

Because of the snow and road conditions, 

Woodlawn Christian Church WILL NOT be holding services tonight, Wed Feb 19, 2025

Woodlawn Christian Church is a place to call home. From the first step you take across its parking lot,  you can feel that home-like, loving atmosphere. It’s a congregation filled with people who really care about one another, and would love to reach out to the community with that same caring spirit.

Woodlawn is an Independent Christian Church and a part of the “Restoration Movement,” 

a fellowship of churches dedicated to following Jesus Christ in the pattern of the early

first century church. It is non-denominational in the sense that its leadership is local to the individual congregation and does not answer to any regional, state, or national headquarters.

It had its beginnings in the late 1950’s when a group of believers began to sense a need for a new

Christian Church on the western side of Campbellsville. In its early days it met in the old “Woodlawn School House” and thus the name was born. From the birth of the congregation, 

it was dedicated above all to the worship of God through the person of His Son Jesus Christ. 

The Bible was, and is, its only rule of faith, and the determining factor in every decision made.

Perhaps Woodlawn is best understood through its purpose statement. 

The Woodlawn Christian Church exists to:

Find The Lost

Teach The Found

And Serve The World

We’d love to have you be a part of our next worship service. See for yourself what God is doing

with this body of imperfect people that He has loved and taught to love. Maybe you’ll feel the same

as many others who have come for a visit and found a safe place to try, fail, and get up to try again.

Welcome to Woodlawn. Welcome home.